IELTS Task 1 & Task 2

A special offer for students who wish to improve their IELTS WritingTask 1 and Writing Task 2 band scores by enrolling in both courses. Save 30% on the combined tuition!

What's included?

  • Elevate your studies
  • Expert instructors
  • Satisfaction guaranteed
  • Material you'll love
  • Set and achieve goals
  • Flexible payment options

10% discount

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started. For that reason we offer 10% discount!

Engaging classes

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, and much more.
Courses included

IELTS Task 1 & Task 2

A special offer for students who wish to improve their IELTS WritingTask 1 and Writing Task 2 band scores by enrolling in both courses. Save 30% on the combined tuition!

IELTS Task 1 & Task 2

A special offer for students who wish to improve their IELTS WritingTask 1 and Writing Task 2 band scores by enrolling in both courses. Save 30% on the combined tuition!
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